Voluntary sterilization of poor women proposed by Louisiana state legislator

Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Louisiana representative has proposed a controversial solution to “generational welfare,” which would pay women on welfare to get sterilization. Republican John LaBruzzo said he thought of the idea because of his constituents’ outrage over paying for welfare.

“You have these people who are just fed up with working their buns off to try to provide for their own family and being forced by the government [to] provide for others’ families who just want to have unlimited kids”, he commented. He is currently working with Baton Rouge to gather data in support of his proposal.

The idea, which LaBruzzo has not finished forming, would award any woman on government assistance a check of $1,000 if she gets a tubal ligation operation. LaBruzzo is also considering rewarding sterilization in poor men and giving tax incentives for higher-income families to have more children.

Is this proposal modern-day eugenics?
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LaBruzzo, who is pro-life, said that the people “on the other side of the political spectrum are pro-choice. Well, let’s give these people the ability to choose.”

While LaBruzzo has stated that he has received an outpouring of support over his idea, the ACLU spoke out against the proposal and called it a “meanspirited attempt to eliminate the poor.” Planned Parenthood representative Julie Mickelberry called it a “bribery”, suggesting a solution which attacked the root of the problem was needed and that the representative needed to “go back to addressing issues of education about unintended pregnancy and opening healthcare access.”

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Vehicle Audio System Installers In Rapid City, Sd That Will Go The Extra Mile

byAlma Abell

There’s nothing like customizing your vehicle with a pumping hot audio system! The really good news is that audio systems have come a long way in recent years, as the technology behind them has advanced to the point that it now includes connection options like Bluetooth. This means that the possibilities are now wider and more varied than ever before!


Why Customize?

Customizing a vehicle is a direct expression of one’s own personality. By going to one of the best vehicle audio system installers in Rapid City, SD, you can virtually install your own mobile party! Click here for more information on audio and video systems. The following are just some of the possibilities on offer:

  • A totally integrated multimedia system that includes networked audio and DVD players with inset screens
  • A surround sound audio system that can connect via Bluetooth technology to smartphones and mp3 players so that you have access to thousands of songs at the touch of a button
  • Premium quality subwoofers and speakers are driven by amplifiers that will crank all the way up so you can take the party with you and shake the windows

An Integrated Solution

Even if shaking the windows is not really your thing, it is entirely possible to customize an installation through the best vehicle audio system installers. In fact, some people even have GPS systems hooked right up to their speaker systems so that they have access to clear navigation wherever they are.

Other people go all the way and have a full media player suite installed that can access movies through a local network and media storage. This is the sort of thing that is great for long trips with the family! Whatever type of media system you want to be installed in your vehicle, the best vehicle audio system installers offer a wide range of options.

G7 announce debt relief plan

Saturday, February 5, 2005

London, UK —The quarterly G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors’ meeting at Lancaster House concluded on February 5, 2005, with the G7 failing to agree on a plan to reduce debt in developing countries. According to the Los Angeles Times, British Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown announced that he believes, “this summit will be remembered as the summit for 100% debt relief” for the 27 countries involved in the Enhanced HIPC Initiative. Ministers from other G7 countries disagreed. Brown’s so-called International Financial Facility proposal, or IFF, “would not work for the U.S,” Undersecretary of the U.S. Treasury John Taylor said to the Los Angeles Times.

The joint statement issued by the ministers in the wake of the conference stated that, “We are agreed on a case-by-case analysis of HIPC countries, based on our willingness to provide as much as 100 per cent multilateral debt relief.” The ministers did not cite a figure for the minimum amount of debt relief that would be provided.

The conference was preceded by a demonstration in Trafalgar Square on the theme of “Make Poverty History.” Nelson Mandela spoke at the demonstration, attended by an estimated 20,000 people, according to World Development Movement, an organization involved in the planning of the event. Chancellor Brown invited Mandela to address the G7 on February 4, 2005, which he did in a “fireside chat,” according to Larry Elliott of The Guardian.

The G7, or ‘Group of Seven,’ is a coalition of seven major industrial democracies: the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United States, and Canada. They hold quarterly meetings to discuss financial matters.

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Rachel Rice wins Big Brother UK’s 2008 series

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Rachel Rice has won the 2008 series of Big Brother. The trainee teacher won the ninth series with 51.3% of the final vote. She defeated blind radio producer Mikey Hughes despite him being the bookies favourite. Others eliminated on the night included Sara Folino, Rex Newmark and Darnell Swallow.

As well as training to be a teacher Rice is also an actress and model. She has appeared in the television adaptions of novels The Prince and the Pauper and The History of Mr Polly as well as the film Night Train to Venice. She came second in the 2003 contest of Miss Wales. She was beaten by Imogen Thomas who appeared in the 2006 series of Big Brother.

This years series brought on controversy and media watchdog Ofcom and Channel 4 had collectively received over 433 complaints about housemate Alexandra De-Gale. She was later removed for intimidating housemates. Dance teacher Dennis McHugh was removed after he spat in the face of housemate Mohamed Mohamed.

This series has been the lowest rated series of all with an average viewing of 3.2 million people. This is an average of 300,000 less than last year. The series started out strong with around 5.4 million viewers but soon started to decline. The show has been reinstated for another series next year.

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Va Plastic Surgeons’ Rhinoplasty Overcoming Nose Imperfections}

VA plastic surgeons’ Rhinoplasty – Overcoming Nose Imperfections


Dr. Jason HuiAttention: Chiropractor’s Overview on Shoulder PainDid you know that our shoulders are intended to carry the arms without requiring a lot of support? You’ll find that there are tendons, muscle and cartilage supporting the joint in a ball as well as socket arrangement. As opposed to hips and legs, the shoulder can be moved easier in all manner of various ways. This can cause great stress on the joint leading to shoulder pain. Muscles supporting the shoulder are quite thin stretched unlike the other joints. And as a result they can be more prone to tearing and dislocations as well.

Finding out more completely into shoulder pain and patients perhaps won’t recall the trauma which caused the pain. A chiropractor like Buffalo Grove Chiropractor


can evaluate and look for the symptoms in mobility of the shoulder and arm to find the problem. Even the arms are generally used so many times daily, the shoulder can freeze or cause problems with just a minor mishap. Often the problem is the rotator cuff, because this can direct into chronic pain and should be carefully addressed.

Because the shoulders are closely connected to the neck, which in turn is a component of the spinal column, shoulder pain might be a secondary issue associated to spinal alignment. Through the use of one of shoulder pain chiropractor’s methods, like what chiropractors of Progressive Health and Rehabilitation

do, they can make a test, bring into line and continue the normal balance of your well-being as well. Once the vertebrae or alignment is out of kilter, then this can have the actual knock that may result to neck and shoulder pains that are out of alignment.

A lot of GP’s and medical professionals encourage patients to take medicine as well as surgery. Except there is a tear, such constant practice or using unnatural tablets into your body can bring another trouble; the balance. Surgical treatment has lots of risks which occasionally go wrong, and medication only hides the pain. Chiropractors are practitioners who use their experiences and particular tools or equipment to determine the root cause of the problem and generate a detailed plan to help body heal on natural ways.

You can meet the trained massage therapists and Chiropractors at The Spinal Correction & Wellness Center who can help not only with the pain but restore the body balance. By means of correct spinal alignment, myriad of problems from joint pain, muscular pain, as well as internal organ difficulties. Our patients are directed to take correct dietary needs and are given a stepping stone wellness.

Pain on shoulders is generally overlooked and untreated. If left for a long period of time, there is a tendency that the muscle or cartilage can tear and cause even larger problems. By means of using medication the pain will be masked yet it is only effective for a few hours before the next dose is needed. A chiropractor can evaluate the damage, help correct the alignment of a patient and massage the area restoring a good health. Shoulder pain is generally a secondary outcome of a different problem. It may turn out the neck or spines are at fault yet the pain is felt more in the shoulder itself. It is quite crucial to determine what damage has been done and make an appointment to a chiropractor who can help fix it. Why not visit: http://www.buffalogrovebackpainrelief.com/ and beat your shoulder pain today!

http://www.buffalogrovebackpainrelief.com Dr. Jason Hui of a featured lecturer for the annual Nurses’ Symposium, and continues to be a featured lecturer on topics like Prevention and Treatment of Low Back Pain, Conservative Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

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Deadly fire below US President’s Trump Tower residence

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

On Saturday, the Trump Tower, in Midtown, New York City, caught fire shortly before 18:00 EST (2200 UTC) on the 50th floor, claiming the life of a 67-year-old resident, Todd Brassner, who lived in apartment 50C. All other residents were evacuated without incident. During the fire, six firefighters received non-life-threatening burns and other minor injuries. Neither US President Donald Trump nor the First Family were in the building at the time of the fire.

The high-end Fifth Avenue address is the personal residence of President Donald Trump, whose family occupies the top three stories of the 58-story building. The US Secret Service maintains a constant security presence inside the building with the New York City Police Department guarding a hard perimeter, intended to stop vehicular attacks, and a soft perimeter, intended for on-foot attacks.

The four-alarm fire required 200 firemen, extra police, and paramedics. At 20:00 EST (0000 UTC Sunday), the New York City Fire Department (FDNY) declared the fire was under control. Trump tweeted, “Firemen (and women) did a great job. THANK YOU!” This is the second fire at Trump Tower since the election; previously on January 8, a fire was caused by an electrical malfunction in a cooling tower on the roof. Three FDNY firefighters received minor injuries, and all residents and office workers evacuated without incident on that occasion.

Trump Tower provides a number of unique problems never before encountered by the Secret Service. Never has a US President’s personal residence been inside a skyscraper or in a densely populated area like Midtown. The security measures have disrupted vehicular and pedestrian traffic requiring time consuming detours and delaying emergency response.

The New York Fire Code did not mandate sprinkler systems at the time Trump Tower was built in 1983, which might have reduced the size and severity of the fire had they been present. The 50th-floor apartment was, according to FDNY Fire Commissioner Daniel Nigro, “[T]he apartment was virtually, entirely on fire.” The Secret Service monitors all the fire alarms in the building but it took time to find the source of the thick black smoke emanating from the fire. Secret Service Agents escorted the firefighters throughout the building, including the Trump residence.

Brassner, the sole casualty, was unconscious when firefighters pulled him out of apartment 50C. He was transported to Mount Sinai Roosevelt Hospital. Originally listed as critical, he was pronounced dead sometime during the night. Brassner, guitar collector, was acquainted with artist Andy Warhol and was acknowledged in Warhol’s 1989 autobiography, The Andy Warhol Diaries. The cause of the fire is unknown, with investigations into Brassner’s death and the emergency response ongoing. Currently, the Secret Service leads the investigation.

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UK general election, 2005

Thursday, May 5, 2005

The United Kingdom General Election

Labour Conservative Lib Dems
355 197 62
DUP SNP Sinn Féin
7 6 5
Plaid Cymru SDLP UUP
3 3 1
1 1 1  

Wikinews will have coverage of the election results at:

  • Results of 2005 United Kingdom General Election
Wikipedia, Wikinews’ sibling project, has in-depth background articles on:

The 2005 UK general election was held on Thursday 5th May. The election resulted in a third term for Tony Blair’s Labour Party.

Below are the latest Wikinews stories on the campaigning parties and candidates.

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Canadian law proposes to ban spitting, swearing and urinating in public

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A new law that proposes no spitting, swearing, or urinating in public passed its second reading in Calgary.

Calgary City Council is expected to pass it into law later this year.

Fines would range from $50 for carrying a visible knife or standing on public benches and $300 for urinating or defecating in public. People who spit would face a $100 fine and those who fight in city streets would pay a $250 ticket.

“You have to set the groundwork of expectations — mutual expectations — in order to be able to work well together, live well together,” said Ald. Madeline King, a councilor who represents part of Calgary’s inner city. “This is the right thing to do — this is a social contract between Calgarians that calls for a minimum amount of respect,” he said.

“Unless you have rules, things don’t work so well in terms of living together harmoniously,” said Ald. Madeleine King. “It’s not targeting the homeless, it’s targeting anyone who behaves in this way.”

It will come back to council for final approval next week.

City lawyers have concerns about enforcing some parts of the legislation.

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How To Install An Insect Screen

By Dave Matthews

When the weather gets warmer there can be no more satisfying thing than sitting with the windows open in the evening. Sadly this small pleasure can be spoilt by the many flying, biting insects that also enjoy the warmer temperatures. Luckily these irritating pests can be kept at bay by installing a fly screen. If you are unfamiliar with these products don’t worry as by following this simple guide, you will know exactly what to shop for and how to install your screen.

First you need to decide whether you want to undertake the installation yourself or whether you would rather get a professional to do it for you. If you do decide to have your insect screen professionally installed then the best step is to find a reputable installer in your area and they will be able to take care of the rest. However if you fancy yourself as something of a handyman then you may need to learn a little more before you tackle the project.

You should choose between buying either a permanent or a retractable screen. The advantage of permanent screens is that they are easier to install.


Next you need to determine whether the doorway or window that you are screening is square, whether it has a flat surrounding it and that it isnt obstructed by any objects that may interfere with the installation process. It is likely that any do it yourself screen installation will have a limit on the size of opening that can be covered. In the case where the opening is larger than the screen you have bought, you may need to construct a frame to bring the opening down to the maximum size of the screen.

Make sure that you measure each opening from top to bottom and from side to side. Most screen systems have a base which is secured to the frame and contains a spline that holds the screen in place on the base. They also come fitted with cap pieces which snap into place and serve as a trim in order to cover the spline. Ensure that you add all the individual measurements together in order to determine the total number of base strips and cap pieces required.

Cut the base strips to fit each vertical frame and then attach them by using 1 inch screws. Each slot in the base will hold 1 screw but make sure that you don’t install the screws too tightly or the base may become deformed. Repeat this for each horizontal frame too.

You may wish to get a helper to stretch the screen over the opening. It is important that the screen is tight enough not to sag, yet not tight enough to deform the frame. Don’t be afraid to ask for help during any stage of the installation process as not everyone is a natural handyman. Many hardware stores will offer various screen systems and screen building materials. They will also offer advice and step-by-step instructions that you can take home with you. Remember that all the hard work will eventually pay off when you are able to enjoy those summer evenings without the flying pests!

About the Author: Dave Matthews is writing on behalf of New Blinds, an online supplier of

fly screens




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Fears about Songhua settled

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Following an explosion in November of 2005, China’s Songhua river was contaminated with nitrobenzene and similar chemicals. Its clean-up by The State Environmental Protection Administration and others was covered previously on Wikinews.

The State Environmental Protection Administration Minister Zhou Shengxian has said that “The water quality of the Songhua River will not exceed national standards on a large scale during the spring thaw, and fish in the river and from pounds along the banks are safe to eat.” Zhou further guaranteed that livestock near the river banks and products from such livestock to be safe to eat, and that the growth of crops will not be inhibited by use of water from the Songhua River for irrigation.

Concerns of residents that the possible release of remnants of nitrobenzene that may have been trapped in the ice and in the sediment might occur and endanger the safe utilization of the river after the influence of a period of being frozen have been settled.

Zhou said that research indicated only a small amounts of the toxic chemical within the ice and that the quantity that could be entrapped in the sediment was limited by its structure as composed mostly of sand. These characteristics and the inevitable high flow rate of the river once the winter’s ice melts in the spring will allow the water to be safe said Zhou, referencing an interim assessment of the river spill done by a consortium which began the assessment on December 13 2005.

Chen Jining of Tsinghua University’s Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, commented that “Even in the rare cases when levels are beyond standards in some places, we also have the technology in place for example, activated carbon to ensure safe drinking water supplies.”

Zhou has also stated that the joint program with Russia to monitor boundary rivers will continue. The front of the pollution from the explosion has been predicted to reach the estuary of the Armur river in Russia near the end of January 2006.

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