Guardian Angels

By Erika Hall

I recently published a blog under my nickname of Muchacha to my account at about a miraculous survival I had six months ago and someone commented on it that I must have had a Guardian Angel, and that they deserved a medal!

Well this set me thinking because how else did I survive? I mean, there I was, not exactly a nubile young thing, falling at least 50 metres down a ravine at gone midnight on a very cold January night and I ended up with horrendous cuts and bruises, sprains, a dislocation, frozen kidneys and a partially collapsed lung . but not a single bone was actually broken! I was in Intensive Care in the Hospital for 5 days and nights and well, I SURVIVED. Indeed, more than that, I did not end up in a wheel chair, or comatose state – my brain was not damaged, despite the fact that I was unconscious for 15 hours and apart from some very interesting scars plus the occasional backache, I feel no different to what I did before the accident now like I said, just six months on!

Friends tell me there has to be a reason why I survived . and I accept that too (I will address that in another article!) but as to HOW ???? I remember falling – I remember hitting the rocks and hurtling over and over – and then I remember coming to a stop with a thud. That was when I said to myself I had to wait until it was daylight before I could even think of clambering out of the situation and so I passed out.


Some six years ago the only person who ever really understood me passed away. She was my mother. I still miss her absolutely. Then just seven months before my drama, her nearest sister and my favourite aunty joined her. Could they have saved me? I mean, when people talk of Guardian Angels one assumes they are some mystical figure from ancient times but why cant it be someone who loved you utterly? Someone you loved utterly – who although they are now dead, ARE capable of still guiding and saving you in a crisis?

I know, I know, this is where Faith, Religion and Belief come in so all right, if one believed in God then I suppose you would be thanking Him forever for your survival; and I dont deny that possibility – its just that, somehow, I like to think that MY Guardian Angel is still my little mum, aided and abetted by her sister.

What do you think?

Erika Hall.

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About the Author: Erika Hall is a writer, thinker, carer and her main website is

She makes a living via her computer and is currently promoting two other sites –

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